The auction room standing room only broke into applause when the hammer finally went down. 当拍卖槌最终落下时,站满人的拍卖室里爆发出了热烈的掌声。
Are you trying to say that this mansion is an auction room? 你是要说这公寓是拍卖场?
Alibaba, a site often described as the eBay of China, is in fact more an electronic yellow pages, helping buyers find sellers, than an online auction room. 将自己描绘成中国ebay的alibaba实际上与网上黄页差不多,不过是帮助买主找到卖主,而不是实际拍卖站。
The coming auction will last from November12th to16th at Beijing International Hotel Conference Room. 即将到来的拍卖会将在北京国际饭店会议厅举行,时间从11月12日持续到16日。
At your computer, as in the auction room, first study the catalogue and do your homework; if possible, look at the lots. 在你的电脑上,就像在拍卖现场一样,先研究一下目录,然后做自己的功课;如果可能的话,看看拍品。
She was optimistic that the revolving vase may still sell privately outside the auction room, saying that'people expressed interest after the sale. ' 安蓓蕾对这只转心瓶仍然能在拍卖场之外以私下方式售出持乐观态度,她说有人在拍卖会之后对这只花瓶表示了兴趣。